The first and most obvious way to save money when purchasing wine is to buy on weekdays like Tuesdays or Thursdays rather than buying on weekends. Purchasing a case of wine on Saturday will cost 6% more than purchasing it on Tuesday, so it makes sense to shop around and combine discounts where possible. You can also take advantage of hang-tag coupons or mail-in rebates. In addition, some brands offer multiple-buy discounts, so you can save even more by purchasing a case of wine.
Grocery outlets
Many wine lovers find grocery outlets a great place to buy cheap wine. They have a wide range of options, prices are lower, and the selection is great, which makes it an excellent choice for first-timers and bargain hunters. These discount wine stores usually carry wines ranging from $4 to $9. Unfortunately, the labels of many of these wines are fakes, supposedly representing brick-and-mortar wineries. However, the titles can be authentic; you can get help from wine specialists and take advantage of tastings to identify which bottles are genuine and which ones are not.
Online wine clubs
Many online wine clubs offer memberships and wine coupons that include free shipping and special discounts. Purchasing wine is an expensive hobby, so knowing where to find deals and how to implement them will help you a lot in saving money. Purchasing wine in bulk and buying local are excellent ways to reduce costs. Purchasing wine online from a club will also give you the added benefit of convenience.
Buying in bulk
Many people are much surprised to learn that buying wine in bulk can save them significant money. Purchasing wine by the case can save you a lot of money because most retailers offer discounts on cases of 12 750ml bottles – nine liters. In addition to huge savings, buying wine by the patient will eliminate the risk of running out of wine and save you from many shopping trips. Many retailers even offer free delivery when you purchase wine in bulk.
Varietals of wine
It’s not hard to find good value in some lesser-known grape varieties. The following are examples of some of these varieties. Merlot is one of the best-known examples. Merlot somewhat tastes like chocolate and cherries. It has soft tannins, so it doesn’t leave your mouth feeling dry. Much like Pinot Noir, Merlot is an easy-drinking, versatile red that goes well with almost any food, even a pizza, spaghetti, or cheeseburger. While you can find this grape variety in many countries, it is best to stick to the classics. The key to choosing suitable grapes is to know what your taste buds are like. You can then buy a wine that matches your palate.
Buying in value regions
Many people buy wine near their homes, but you can save money by buying it in value regions. Value regions are less known than prestigious regions and haven’t been overly hyped. But this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t shop elsewhere. Instead, wine experts recommend purchasing wine from reliable areas.